Photo: Deutsches Museum
The Founders' Circle
The Foundation
The foundation of the Future Initiative is the commitment of far-sighted patrons and responsible companies.
CEOs of leading German companies and associations and individuals have declared their willingness to help finance the project of the century as members of the founding circle of the Future Initiative. Each company is contributing five million euros to the restoration of the Deutsches Museum.
This commitment was a prerequisite for the participation of the public sector - the Free State of Bavaria and the federal government - in the entire financing. Through this support from companies, private individuals and the public sector, 750 million euros will be raised so that the Deutsches Museum can ultimately fulfill its educational and research tasks in an attractive and contemporary manner.
The founding circle currently comprises the following members:
Isolde Wördehoff:
"Thanks to substantial contributions and donations from generous sponsors and almost 300 members we are able to provide effective support for the museum's projects and future initiative.
Technological advance and ongoing changes in the museum environment make it absolutely essential that we dynamically refine our concept of what constitutes a major and costly museum for the future. That science and technology are an indispensable part of our culture is one of the things the Deutsches Museum succeeds in conveying as part of its mission to impart knowledge. We hope to be able to preserve our cultural heritage and secure it for the future."Thomas Schmid:
"Sometimes a stroke of genius has the potential to change the world. The world's largest museum of science and technology shows us groundbreaking historical inventions and the innovations of the future. It makes science and technology understandable and accessible to anyone who is interested. It succeeds in making even the most complex topics exciting. The Bavarian construction industry supports the Future Initiative of the Deutsches Museum because it wishes to help to create enthusiasm among young people for the achievements of engineering. In the future, we will still need the people who can turn strokes of genius into reality!"
Heinz Hermann Thiele:
"The Deutsches Museum is one of the largest technical and scientific museums in the world. For more than 100 years it has been communicating the principles on which nature and technology function. More than 1.4 million visitors of all ages flock to the museum each year and are enthralled by what they see there. In the meantime, however, significant parts of the exhibitions and the fabric of the building itself are outdated and desperately in need of renovation.
For me personally, the Deutsches Museum is a crucual and permanent component in Germany's role as a business location. We cannot abandon the Deutsches Museum in its present condition. Given that private initiative is a prerequisite for the necessary funding from the public sector, I immediately assured the museum that it could count on the support of Knorr-Bremse AG."Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aldo Belloni:
"In his memoirs, published in 1916, Carl von Linde wrote that Oskar von Miller's idea of »displaying the development of scientific research, technology and industry in the way they interact« unleashed »a strong wave of enthusiasm that then spread out across all of Germany«. Along with von Miller and Walther von Dyck, von Linde was one of the leading promoters of the Deutsches Museum.
Even today, in these times of virtual worlds, computers and the Internet, there is also a demand for real testimony to technology, science and industry that visitors can experience for themselves. That is why Linde is committed to the Deutsches Museum."Joachim Drees:
"The Deutsches Museum is an icon of Germany's industrial culture with its enormous international renown – one that must be preserved. With its wealth of exhibits and demonstrations the museum displays technology, from its modest beginnings to the present day, while also offering a glimpse of what the future will bring. It is important that the museum be able to explain technical and scientific procedures and findings to young people in particular, but also to get them to think about the world around them and even their choice of career.
We in industry profit from this, dependent as we are on being able to recruit trainees with a good technical-scientific background. MAN supports the Deutsches Museum's future inititative so that this museum can continue to enjoy its outstanding position and function. Through its support, MAN will maintain the close relationship it has enjoyed with the Deutsches Museum ever since the museum was founded more than 100 years ago."Dr. Siegfried Dais:
"I know of no place other than the Deutsches Museum that is so versatile in the way it illustrates the great inventions that Germany has produced. This museum displays our country's history of technology – pioneering achievements, including some that emerged from our company. That alone is reason enough to help with the renovation of the museum. First and foremost, though, is the enthusiasm that this unique collection is able to generate – and therein lies part of the future.
Companies like Bosch encourage the technical interest of children and youngsters through educational partnerships. Furthermore, we hope that young people will find inspiration among older role models. In this sense, we also wish the Deutsches Museum many visitors who are not yet able to pay for themselves."Joe Kaeser:
"The Deutsches Museum has a future: every year it makes masterpieces of science and technology accessible to 1.4 million visitors, awakening in them an enthusiasm that fuels Germany's innovation engine. And innovations based on German engineering skills are a fundamental criterion for Germany's success and prestige in world.
As an innovative technology concern, Siemens has lent its support to the Deutsches Museum ever since it was founded – with personal commitment, with innovations in the form of exhibits, and now also as a member of the future initiative.Siemens wishes the initiative the greatest possible success, and Germany's most frequently visited museum a long future."Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Hiesinger:
"For more than 100 years the Deutsches Museum has helped to provide clearer insights into the technologies that shape everyday life and offer a hands-on understanding of the natural sciences. More an adventure playground than a shrine to technology, the museum is an ideal place for arousing curiosity and inspiring enthusiasm for technology. For the future of ThyssenKrupp as a technology group, our own innovative power will be crucial. That is why we place such high value on good ideas, innovations and the future of technology. To ensure that Germany remains a land of innovation, some years ago we established the initiative »Discovering the Future of Technology« to attract young people to technology and the natural sciences, in which the Deutsches Museum serves as our reliable partner. To ensure that this partnership continues, we support the Future Initiative of the Deutsches Museum and wish it every success."
Dr.-Ing. E.h. Norbert Reithofer:
"A Future Forum at the Deutsches Museum – a public place where people get together and discuss key issues: How can we live more sustainably? How can we conserve our resources? This forum will soon offer a gateway into the world of natural sciences and technology. It was clear right from the start: The world's biggest museum of science and technology needs a unique entry point for its visitors. The BMW Group is supporting this ambitious project. We are shaping the future in a key aspect of life – individual mobility. As a sustainable global company in the automotive industry, we take on responsibility around the world. Sustainability is firmly rooted in our business activities, alongside social responsibility and our commitment to culture. We're delighted at the opportunity to contribute to the future of the Deutsches Museum, especially the Future Forum, and are proud to be a partner of this initiative."
Karl Lamprecht:
"We assume social responsibility. This has always been important in the 175-year history of our company - and we continue to do so now. With the Deutsches Museum, we have an outstanding partner in the promotion of young talent in the fields of mathematics, computer science, science and technology. And this support is very close to ZEISS' heart. The Deutsches Museum is a place of learning and inspiration for children and young people, and the exhibitions inspire visitors of all ages. Technology and science become tangible there. Conveying and awakening knowledge and enjoyment of science and technology is a goal that ZEISS has also set itself. For this reason, the company is supporting the museum in its modernisation in a variety of ways."